Exactly 368 days ago I arrived in Berlin and today I finish my days in this city that hosted me for a year .
No. I won't miss the sad days, the difficulty to make friends, the emotional weight that has hurted in different ways and at various levels. I also will not miss the "bipolarity" that affects the population when the seasons change. Or the obligation that others impose to you to go to out on the streets simply because it's sunny .
No. I will not miss the many tears shed and the pain that grieved my heart and tormented my thoughts for months. I will not also miss the darkness that came over me and the weight I carried on my shoulders for so long.
But yes, I cry . I weep for what I wish it had been, what I wished I had lived, but that could not be.
I understand the cycles of the universe and I believe that, just as in nature, in life also after winter comes spring. And my inner soil is fertile ground for its arrival. It was a long and dark winter.

Berlin was a place where I learned a lot, especially about myself. Many strange things happened here, in every way. But also extremely good things. So... yes, will miss it.

I will miss the silence of the city, the colored leaves covering the sidewalks during autumn, the slippery paths full of "stracciatella icecream" in winter. Yes, I will miss spring. The most exuberant, colorful and fragrant spring I have ever seen.
I'll miss the tulips that sprout in unexpected places, dandelions covering every bit of green grass and turning everything into a yellow carpet, the thousands of wildflowers in a variety of colors and the most amazing perfumes. I'll miss the clouds of seeds being blown away, and the less fortunate seeds that instead of land to settle, cling into cotton and wool of the clothes of people passing by. The flowering balconies. The fresh wind when cutting short the way home through the many city parks and the many shades of green found in the trees, ivy and shrubs.

I'll miss the sweet, soft and fragrant strawberries that melt in the mouth like little pieces of paradise . Raspberries and their exact measurement between sweet and tart . The dark and giant cherries. The "flat peaches" and their perfume.
But what Berlin brought me that was most important and special, was the opportunity to spend incredible days alongside more than important people in my life.

Berlin provided a historic reunion with two people who have a permanent place in my heart .
To be here, my mother overcame extremely difficult moments for her, and finally came up to the old "divided city" to rescue her German half. And tt was here that we met once again our soul brother.

I received more visits from my father than I expected.

Here a dear friend gave me the pleasure of seeing her a few times.

I had the privilege to introduce the city to the most amazing niece and goddaughter someone could have ask heaven for.
Here I made a very good friend that, although we don't have a picture together, will always remain in my heart. And some friends with whom I had the pleasure to share funny Brazilian stories.
So I finish one more cycle of life and from it let only the good times remain. Thanks to the nature and incredible lucky I am to have such wonderful people in my life, I'll take those memories with me, and when I think of the time spent here, these are the moments that will come to mind. For the photographs of the heart, are the ones that really count. And now it's time for a new chapter.
(Text written in August 21st, 2013.)